Craig Paul Nowak Best Local Artist, Real Detroit Weekly February 19-25, 2014 Edition, Ad and Award on Page 68-70
Best Local Artist CRAIG PAUL NOWAK
A Google image search of Detroit-based Craig Paul Nowak reflects a body of work that translucently displays an evolution of not only a portfolio but of a human. Although he would never boast or expect everyone to discuss the depth of his paintings, Nowak's skill goes well beyond his paintbrush. His paintings force a viewer so close to the canvas, examining the preciseness of his painted images and yet his physical talent is nothing compared to the driving layers of physics, psychology, and inspiration behind the paint. Nowak has completed residencies in Chicago, New Mexico, and the Red Bull House of Art and gained representation that carried his work into galleries across the states as well as Europe. The 30-something-year-old has already achieved great success and with his clear visual progression, there's no doubt that the sky is the limit for such a dedicated and skilled artist.