2016 Jerry Saltz Critique of Craig Paul Nowak Painting "Hair Pull", Museum of New Art, Detroit Biennale

On October 1, 2016, Jerry Saltz critiqued Craig Paul Nowak's painting "Hair Pull" at the Museum of New Art during the Detroit Biennale.

Here are the notes from his critique:

  • In my mind, I shouldn't like these paintings... I fight this.
  • Do something to escape the talent
  • I want you to fight the photographic source of your work
  • Camera is particular in its sights
  • Glen Brown
  • You better not be afraid
  • I don't feel it's about the image
  • A little anonymous; is this for or about?
  • I don't know what you like/love
  • Internet, cliche, IPad, Paint box, Impressionism, DEAD AREAS
  • You are willing to let space be dead
  • Start 'going for it'. The dead is keeping the painting alive

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